
testo 606-1 pocket moisture meter


Testo 606-1 (0560 6060)

testo 606-1 moisture meter incl. protection cap, batteries, belt holder and calibration protocol, TÜV permit according to VDI 4206


Measuring range :  8.8 to 54.8 % by weight

     beech, spruce, larch, birch, cherry, walnut

     7.0 to 47.9 % by weight

     oak, pine, maple, ash-tree, douglas fir, meranti

     0.9 to 22.1 % by weight

     cement screed, concrete

     0.0 to 11.0 % by weight

     anhydrite screed

     0.7 to 8.6 % by weight

     cement mortar

     0.6 to 9.9 % by weight

     lime mortar, plaster

     0.1 to 16.5 % by weight

Bricks Accuracy ±1 digits  : ±1 1%