testo 106 Food Thermometer


Testo 106 food thermometer, with auto hold and min/max alarm. (0563 1063) Comes with a water resistant casing:


Measuring range : -50 to +275 °C

Accuracy: ±1 % of m.v. (+100 to +275 °C) ±0.5 °C (-30 to +99.9 °C)

Resolution : ±1 digit ±1 °C (-50 to -30.1 °C) 0.1 °C



Testo 106 Waterproof Core Food Thermometer For Food Applications 0563 1063

  • For fast and accurate central temperature measurement (eg food quality monitoring)
  • An audible and visual alarm is issued when the limit is exceeded (user can set the limit)
  • Extremely fine measuring tip, diameter 2.2 mm: for seamless detection.
  • Fast and safe food safety testing: The compact and compact testo 106 food thermometer is suitable for temperature measurement of food in industrial kitchens, chain restaurants, supermarkets or food transportation.