Testo 416 Digital 16 mm vane anemometer


Testo 416 Digital 16mm vane anemometer (0563 0416)

With the compact 16 mm vane anemometer testo 416 with telescopic probe and App connection, you can carry out flow measurements in the ventilation ducts of air conditioning and ventilation systems easily, quickly and precisely. The integrated telescope can be extended up to 850 mm, making it easier to work overhead or in large diameter ducts.


Testo 416 Digital 16mm vane anemometer (0563 0416)


–        Simple, fast and precise flow measurement and volume flow calculation in the ventilation duct.

–        More flexibility for duct measurements with the cable-connected telescopic probe (maximum length 850 mm).

–        Fast in-app (duct) configuration, graph history, second screen and measurement data memory in the testo Smart App.

–        Timed and point mean value calculation.