testo 606-2 Pocket Moisture meter, Air Temperature & Humidity


Testo 606-2 Pocket Moisture meter, Air Temperature & Humidity (0560 6062)

The testo 606-2 moisture meter allows you to measure the moisture content in wood and building materials – and the surrounding environment too. This means that you are now also able to check storage and drying conditions quickly and easily.


Testo 606-2 Pocket Moisture meter, Air Temperature & Humidity (0560 6062)


–      Ram electrodes guarantee precise moisture measurements in wood and building materials

–      Ideal for carrying out relative humidity and air temperature measurements to check storage and drying

–      Identifying and preventing problems using dew point and wet bulb calculations

–      Easy to use; backlit display for use in all lighting conditions

–      For precise moisture measurements in beech, spruce, larch, oak, pine, maple

–      For detecting moisture and wet places in building materials like cement screed, concrete, plaster, anhydrite screed, cement mortar, limestone mortar and brickwork

–      Temperature measuring range: -10°C to +50°C

–      Humidity measuring range: 0% to 100% rH