Welcome to the digital world with testo 557s manifold

Welcome to the digital world with the testo 557S electronic manifold. Display pressure, theoretical temp, sub cooling, and super-heated temp value all on one digital display. The unit comes with built in blue tooth allowing you to send real time information to your smart phone. You can then generate a PDF report with the free app and send this off by email, whats app, FB messenger or viber. Say good by to, calculations, writing down values and returning to the office to make a report. Save time and money on the go.

Together with a high precision vacuum sensor, perform total system reprocessing, Vacuum, leak test and filling, confidently. The 557S 4-way manifold with 2 wireless temp probes, hi-precision wireless vacuum probe and 4 hoses.

For inquiries, please call our authorized dealer: Uniform Refrigeration & AC Supply Inc. at 5310-2280/ 8733-8371 local 104/ 0917-834-0961 or send email to keanesee@uniform.com.ph